From Judy P. in Boca Raton:
“Hold on to your hats! This book is intriguing, with in-dept information on the peoples of the Mid-East and keeps you on your toes from start to finish. A best seller for sure!! I can't wait to read his next novel!!!!”

From David H. in Boca Raton:
“I read just about every "Best Seller" that comes out on the New York Times Best Seller List, and oftentimes I wonder how some of these novels ever got to be on that list. When I finished reading "The Third Cell", however, I said to myself, "Now THAT is a best selling novel"! This book obviously took a lot of research, as it was not only believable, but also educational and riveting right to the very last sentence. This is a MUST read. You will not be sorry!”

From Luis E. in Colombia S.A.:
A totally captivating literary work! Besides agreeing with the previous positive comments highlighting the great plot and style that shape the novel, I can also say it makes a point in showing how reckless profit maximization (which is driving a rather big chunk of government and corporate policy pretty much around the world) is risking everything that has been accomplished with honest effort and intent. What the novel sets is simply an scenario for how the USA can eventually be a victim of this tendency, and it does in a credible and intriguing way!

From Russ P. North Carolina:
A thrilling masterpiece! Filled with excitement and intrigue! A truly great novel powerfully written in a suspenseful style. Anthony D'Egidio captures the historic times in the Middle East from 1948 to present times and blends a very sophisticated plot involving terrorist strategies against America. I was captivated by the reality this could actually happen! A must read for anyone desiring a truly thrilling and suspenseful experience while thinking about the reality. Accolades to Anthony D'Egidio for superb literary talent!