The Greatest Threat To America's Security
Is The Belief Of Invincibility
A cell is a method for organizing loyal factions in such a way that it can effectively elude detection. Some cells may lie dormant for years until needed.
Nakba is an Arabic term for catastrophe or calamity:
Al Nakba is often used amongst Arabs to describe the Palestinian exodus, which resulted from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. During the conflict more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced from their centuries-old villages and cities in Palestine, which eventually became the State of Israel. Most have never been allowed to return. The Israeli government seized the land they left behind without ever compensating the displaced Palestinians.
This would lead to a bitter conflict that would soon envelop the entire world. A war not fought in the conventional manner, but one of violent attacks upon the established powers. Innocent people were either killed or wounded for an ideology. This was a war of revenge that entire armies with all their military resources were incapable of stopping.
A few determined men, championing the Palestinian cause, challenged the power and authority of nations worldwide.
Now the mightiest of these nations would have to bow to Islam, and submit to the will of Allāh.